Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hangover Prevention and Cures

Hangover Prevention and Cures

If you’re anything like me and can sometimes get carried away and hit the vodka like its water, then this egg might be helpful for you.


1. A good way to help from getting hung over is to drink whatever you drink in liquor, in water. An easy way to do this is take a shot and use a shot of water for chaser. Coke or other sodas are bad chasers that can easily upset your stomach.

2. Watching what type of liquors you drink can also help out. You will probably be fine with vodka or rum, but something like flavored Shnapps or Goldschlager can really make you sick. This is because they are flavored and sweet. This makes you uneasy and nauseous. It is a good idea to seperated each shot by about 2-5 minutes to let it settle.

3. Congeners are natural by products of fermentation (making alcohol). These give you a higher chance of a hangover. Vodka and gin have less congeners than like red wine and whiskey. Staying away from high congener drinks can help you have a lesser chance of a hangover.


1. Ibuprophen or advil will help you a whole lot. Take one before bed and then when you wake up in the morning. I think this may be the best thing to do to cure yourself. Asprin wont help you a bit. Never ever take TYLENOL with alcoholo, even in the morning! Alcohol combined with Tylenol wrecks your liver. This is scientifically proven.

2. Orange Juice can make your stomach calm down a whole lot, (atleast for me) i think this one may be personal preferance though. Chug a whole glass.

3. Self Induced Vomit will get any extra liqhour out of your stomach making you feel less full. This is the best way for me because i get nausea and headahes combined. Shake your head "no" right in front of the toilet thinking about beer or dead animals or other things that will make you spew chunks. Do it for like 15 seconds hard. This will make you dizzy and make you puke...a lot. The finger in the throat is good too, it just doesn’t work for me personally. This will make you feel better in no time. If this doesnt help, chug glasses of water or eat bread with water until you get full, Ths will soak up the alcohol and then go puke again. Yo uwill feel better after that.

4. Stay awake throughout the whole time you wake up till sun set. If you fall asleep, you will get nauseous again. Keep awake and up doing something. Don’t even allow yourself to feel sleepy.

5. Gatorade helps you a lot since alcohol dehydrates you. It has salt and stuff to help you feel hydrated and make you feel better.

6. Drammamine is the stuff that you take before you go on boats to help you from getting sea sick. You can get it in a patch form. It helps your stomach out.

7. Ginger is just like the sea sickness tablets. Sea fairing men have used this for years and its proven to work wonders on your stomach.

8. Bananas will revitalize you after you drink because of all the vitamins.

Not all of these will work on you. Moist all of them have been personally tested and work.

If you dont bother trying to prevent or cure your hangover will have suffer through at least 2-3 hours of cold sweats and headaches. And that is no way to spend your weekend.

Drink responsibly

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